Why not become a Friend of Tring Choral Society?
For a minimum annual donation of £40 you could become a Friend of Tring Choral Society. This entitles you to two concert tickets in any one season. You will also receive an annual newsletter outlining our future programme of concerts and an invitation to any social events that we organise. For details please email email-friends.
Friends of Tring Choral Society
Mr M Baxter
Mr G Bull
Ms A Duckenfield
Mr R Flanigan
Mr R Franklin
Mr C Garrett
Mrs G Glasser
Mr G Bull
Ms A Duckenfield
Mr R Flanigan
Mr R Franklin
Mr C Garrett
Mrs G Glasser
Mr I Slatcher
Mr J Stack
Mr J Stanhope
Mrs J Stevens
Mrs P Thomas
Mrs S Todd
Mr A Winterbottom
Mr J Stack
Mr J Stanhope
Mrs J Stevens
Mrs P Thomas
Mrs S Todd
Mr A Winterbottom
Mr M Herbaut
Mr & Mrs D Langford
Mr G Lewis
Mr N Lewis
Mrs E Marchant
Mrs M F Merlier
Mr R O'Reilly
Mr & Mrs D Langford
Mr G Lewis
Mr N Lewis
Mrs E Marchant
Mrs M F Merlier
Mr R O'Reilly
Life Members
Mr and Mrs D Banyard
Mr R Grylls
Mrs R Southworth
Mr R Grylls
Mrs R Southworth
Donations and Legacies
We are a registered charity and we aim to put on three high high-quality choral concerts a year. The expenditure incurred in hiring soloists and orchestral players in our concerts is met from ticket sales and members’ subscriptions, but often needs to be supplemented from other fundraising initiatives and voluntary donations. If you would like to help us by making a donation (which may also be the subject of Gift Aid), please email email-secretary or any committee member.
If you would like to be informed of future concerts, please email email-publicity and ask to be put on our mailing list.