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Joining the Choir

If you are interested in joining the choir you can be assured of a very warm welcome. Although we are seeking to achieve a high standard of performance, the atmosphere is very-much relaxed and friendly. Experience of choral singing is useful, but not essential, and an ability to read music is helpful, though some have joined and then learned with us. Everybody starts somewhere and enthusiasm and commitment are just as important to us. There is no audition but we are sure that, whatever level you are, you will find singing with us rewarding and stimulating. We also offer a Scholarship Bursary to music students.

“I’m so glad I followed up an invitation for an ‘open rehearsal’ of the wonderful Mozart Requiem at Tring Choral Society. I met so many friendly, welcoming people that evening that I joined the choir! I go home singing after every rehearsal…”  (new member, Jane).

Rehearsals are held during term-time on Monday evenings, from 7.45pm – 9.45pm, at Akeman Street Baptist Church.

You’re welcome to try out three rehearsals before joining. If you are interested in coming along, please contact our Membership Secretary using the form below, in your message please include your voice part and brief details of previous singing experience.
The annual membership subscription for the 2024-2025 season is £175.
Membership is free for anyone under 30 years of age on 1 September at the start of a concert season.

Copyright © 2011-2025 Tring Choral Society

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